Body Happy Kids (for adults)

Body Happy Kids (for adults)


Body Happy Kids: How to help children and teens love the skin they’re in

No parent wants their child to grow up with anything less than wholehearted confidence in themselves. Sadly research shows that children as young as five are saying they need to 'go on a diet' and over half of 11 to 16-year-olds regularly worry about the way they look. Campaigner and mum-of-two-girls Molly Forbes is here to help.

In Body Happy Kids, Molly draws on her own experience and a range of experts to provide parents with a much-needed antidote to the confusing health advice that bombards us every day. This reassuring and practical guide covers everything you need to help your child to care for their body with kindness, including how to approach good nutrition (without falling for diet culture), how to see the reality behind beauty ideals and how social media can be used to support body confidence rather than destroy it. With Molly's help, you can arm yourself with the insight and tools to raise resilient children who love the skin they're in.

“A timely and important message” - Dr Joshua Wolrich

“Essential reading for every parent” - Sarah Turner, The Unmumsy Mum

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Are you a book club looking to purchase multiple copies of Body Happy Kids? If you purchase five copies or more from Body Happy Org CIC you can book Molly for a complimentary 20 minute virtual Q&A with your book club. Simply follow up your purchase with an email to us at and we will send you a calendar booking form to book your visit!


Get a mini Body Happy Kids activity pack with your order! Our downloadable pack has been created with a series of fun, body image boosting activities for kids. This mini activity pack isn’t available to buy separately and is only available as an exclusive free resource with your order. Your mini activity pack will be emailed to you when your physical order is shipped.

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Love Your Body

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You Matter

The Drama Llama

The Drama Llama

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