What is it?
HELP THE CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE IN YOUR CARE celebrate, respect and accept all bodies - especially their own!
Body Happy CPD workshops from The Body Happy Organisation offer body image training for those who work with children, with a difference. Our focus is on helping educators, school nurses, lecturers, youth and early years practitioners, foster workers - and anyone else who works with children and young people - to build cultures of body respect in their settings.
what’s so special about a body happy cpd workshop?
Our workshops are interactive, evidence-based and can be delivered in-person (location dependent) and online. This year we’re developing the UK’s first whole-school body image programme with support from The Fair Education Alliance and The University of Lincoln. With this in mind, our current offering and individual workshops at current rates are likely to change from September 2025 once the programme launches. So if you’re considering booking a one-off training session for your team, now’s the time to do it.
We’ve delivered training to hundreds of educators and teachers, and also to youth workers, school nurses, early years practitioners, sports coaches, Girl Guides leaders, domestic violence refuge workers, childcare studies students, foster carers, NHS eating disorder service teams, and public health teams both in the UK and further afield.
“This training is brilliant when working with young children in showing a more forward way of thinking. ”
“I would highly recommend this training. Very informative.”
“Definitely do this training! It’s a very valuable information tool to have”
All of our sessions offer an introduction to the topic of body image, with practical tools and evidence-based solutions to foster inclusive learning environments that nurture the body esteem of children and young people, improving their wellbeing, reducing safeguarding concerns, and improving engagement in sport and PE, as well as engagement in class. Whether you work with children in EYFS, or young people in KS4, we can support you to create an environment that promotes positive body esteem, inclusion and body respect, through one of our interactive CPD workshops.
Please note: in September 2024 we were announced as winners of The Fair Education Alliance Awards. As part of this win we’ve received funding and support to develop The Body Happy Schools Programme, the UK’s first whole school 360-degree programme fostering classroom cultures of body respect and help children and young people celebrate, respect and accept ALL bodies - especially their own. We’re currently developing, piloting and fundraising to scale this programme. It will roll out in September 2025, at which point our current offering will be absorbed into the programme and we’ll be reviewing many individual aspects of our provision including the option to book an individual workshop with us outside of our whole school programme.
current workshop options
We offer a range of workshops tailored to the specific challenges associated with promoting positive body image in various settings (the obstacles facing an EYFS setting, for example, will not be the same as a secondary school).
With workshop options ranging from 90 minutes to a full day, all of our sessions are a mixture of presentation, breakout activities and group discussion. And, just like all the interesting things worth knowing, the full scope of the subject can’t be covered in just one session, which is why we include additional resources for further learning and follow-up activities too.
We’re currently taking bookings up to June 2025. If you’re interested in booking a session with us, please get in touch at hello@bodyhappyorg.com and let us know a bit more about your setting, what type of session you’re interested in (online / in-person, length of session etc) and we’ll let you know if we can facilitate your request.
Research shows that body image is a major barrier to sport and PE, and that a body positive approach to movement in the school setting can also reduce inequalities of access to sport and PE. For this reason, this training (and our student sessions) can be a beneficial use of part of your PE and sport premium. Creating an environment that nurtures body esteem will directly impact pupil behaviour and engagement in other areas - including PE, sport and other forms of movement.
“Thank you for making the day such a success. Attendees spoke highly of the amount of information and ideas they took from the workshops”
Our team of facilitators
Our team of trained facilitators not only work for us running our impactful training sessions, but also work in the fields of education, health, eating disorder services, weight inclusive fitness and nutrition, coaching and media, bringing a multi-discipline lens of knowledge to our training approach. Meet our team here.
“I just wanted to say the workshop was fantastic. Not only was it educational, it was a great opportunity to discuss a topic that we were all passionate about. I think all teachers should take this course if they can, body image is a completely neglected part of teaching.”
Our workshops will…
Help you learn how to improve the self-esteem, happiness and attainment of the children in your setting.
Introduce you to health principles which will enable you to improve attainment and engagement.
Allow you to be more aware of safeguarding issues that are impacted by body image concerns in children.
Help you identify some of the problem areas that can impact the body image and wellbeing of children and young people.
Give you tools to counteract some of the negative messages and offer ideas for ways to build resilience to these messages.
Empower you to create a whole setting approach to nurture the body esteem of the children and young people in your care.
“It was really useful emphasising the role that we can have as teachers to help children with body image, through our explicit teaching but also the language and representations we use. ”
What’s included?
An interactive CPD session delivered by a trained facilitator from Body Happy Org. (Meet our team here.)
A 10 page workshop notes booklet with recommended resources and further reading suggestions.
A downloadable Body Happy Hero activity pack to use with the children and young people in your care.
A downloadable teaching activity pack to use with the children in your care.
An Aftercare Guidelines document created by our multi-disciplinary team, including an NHS children’s eating disorder dietitian, to better equip you in identifying children who may need support.
A discount on our teaching resources, books and products.
An attendance certificate for CPD journal purposes.
“I’m truly so grateful that the Body Happy Org exists and that you’re helping to support youth professionals in this area! And I want to add that the “Body Happy Kids CPD notes booklet” is incredibly helpful! It’s so great to have a summary of all of these topics and best practices with cited research to support it. I’m going to be using it to suggest some best practices for our programming. ”
unique, inspiring and pioneering training
Body Happy Org CPD workshops are the only training of their kind. We focus on prevention and advocacy, helping you understand this vast, nuanced and multi-layered subject from a perspective you may not have considered before. Our focus is on whole-settings culture change, helping you to create environments that prevent body image issues arising in the first place. You’ll also feel better equipped to navigate body conversations with the children and young people in your care when they arise, and to spot the signs which might indicate a child needs further support.
With the tools, discussion and information you gain in our workshops, you’ll feel more empowered to interrogate some of the normalised practises which can disrupt body esteem in children and young people.
Choose from a range of workshop options below, to suit your setting’s particular requirements and budgets. Or book an exploratory call with us today to find out more about what we can offer you.
We are able to tailor your session based on your setting’s needs, whether you’re a secondary or primary school, foster carer, sports club, food educator - or in whatever capacity your organisation works with children - we can create a bespoke session for your team based on our unique, innovative and pioneering framework that centres prevention and whole-settings culture change.
These sessions have been delivered to hundreds of adults who work with children, based all over the UK, as well as in International Schools in Europe, and in the US too. We’ve delivered workshops to teachers, social workers, Women’s Aid workers, sports coaches, dance teachers, foster carers, Girl Guides and Brownies leaders, childcare students and more.
You can also book us to come into your setting and deliver a session directly to your students, or parents and caregivers too. Find out about our Student Sessions here.
“The training was amazing! I got so much positive feedback from staff and was extremely impressed by your trainers and their expertise. ”
A whole setting approach
Here at Body Happy Org we believe in a whole setting approach, which is why we encourage schools, youth organisations and childcare settings to sign up for this CPD training opportunity alongside using our teaching resources in the classroom, books and activity packs and Body Happy Student Sessions.
We’re currently developing the UK’s first whole school programme of body respect, with support from The Fair Education Alliance and The University of Lincoln. When this programme becomes available, many individual elements of our offering will not be accessible outside of the programme. We’re currently taking individual bookings up to June 2025.
All workshop attendees currently get a discount on everything in our Teacher Resource Hub and Body Happy Shop to help bring the Body Happy message into the classroom and beyond. In whatever capacity you work with children, you’ll find plenty of brilliant books and body image boosting products in our shop that you can use your discount on.
Some of the organisations we’re proud to have worked with….
We can offer private sessions for full teams, delivered remotely or in-person (depending where you’re based in the UK). We offer a reduced bulk booking rate for Federations and Trusts looking to bring the Body Happy Kids CPD training into more than one of their schools.
Are you a parent, PTFA member or teacher?
Are you interested in bringing the Body Happy Kids workshop to your school? Check out our school signposting resources, including template letters and information packs below.